* crdit to 123Greetings.comA birthday wish, for special girl..
"Happy B'day to Hazizah Madini @ Z
yg ke 24 thn"
semoga pnjang umomurah rezekiberjaya dlm bdang yg diceburi bbahagia slalusmoga apa yg diimpikan oleh Z akn t'capaisemoga Z ceria2 selalux mo cedih2 lg tau cayangnnt akak pos hadiah k :)*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-
salam sayang, Kak Zet
Sorry if I commented your blog, but you have a nice idea.
To the author of this blog,I appreciate your effort in this topic.
awwww...sooo touchingggggggg!!!
tenkiu akak tercayunkkkkk for this priceles buffday pressie :)
eh eh...dpt another more buffday gift yek..hehehe..tenkiuuuu akak
susah² jek..hiksss!!!
birthday gift untuk shafa ada gak ker zeti. Bagus nya zeti bagi present..
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